SECRETS OF ESTONIA seminar 21. veebruaril


Soome disainerid Aamu Song ja Johan Olin räägivad disainerite ja tootjate rollist kohalike traditsioonidega seotud tootmises. Nende viimase projekti „Eesti saladused" käigus tegid nad Eestis pika ringsõidu: Tallinnast Rakverre, Muhu saarele ja paljudesse teistesse paikadesse. Nad kohtasid ja sõlmisid suhteid ravimtaimetalunike, mänguasjameistrite ja paljude teiste traditsioone hindavate tootjatega. Neist kohtumistest ning võimalusest piiluda kohalike firmade köögipoolele, näha nende saladusi, said nad inspiratsiooni oma uue rahvusliku tootesarja „Eesti saladused" sünniks. Kõik esemed on tehtud Eesti kohalike tootjate poolt, kohalike traditsioone järgides.

The seminar will cast an overview on the „Secrets of Estonia" project and present few of the Estonian manufactures. Finnish designers Aamu Song and Johan Olin open the discussion on the roles of designers and manufacturers in a relation with tradition and nation.
Their recent project "Secrets of Estonia" took them from Tallinn to Rakvere, Muhu island and beyond. They met with herb farmers, toy makers and many other traditional manufacturers. From these meetings and having been inspired by the secrets of local production process, a new collection of traditional products „Secrets of Estonia" was born. These have been manufactured in Estonian businesses, taking into account unique local traditions.

The project is exhibited at the Estonian Museum Of Applied Art and Design until February 23rd, Lai 17, Tallinn, Wed – Sun 11-18.


· Aamu Song & Johan Olin, COMPANY
Two designers from Finland who also run a shop Salakauppa in Helsinki. They have been working with traditional manufacturers in Finland, in Belgium, in South-Korea, in Russia and most recently in Estonia.,

· Ulvi Kala, Baltic Intertex
Baltic Intertex Ltd is Estonian capital based company offering production development service to the clothing designers.

· Eveli Tooming, E. Strauss
E. Strauss is a family company producing wooden products, exporting mostly to Finland.

· Nils-Naatan Kaivo, Sireli talu
Sireli farm produces all kind of wool products in its wool manufactory named Mooste Villakoda: wool socks and wool slippers, wool pillows and even woollen mattresses.

Moderator: Ketli Tiitsar, project manager, Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design.

Organised in cooperation with Finnish Institute in Estonia
Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design
Estonian Academy of Arts

Friday 21st February 2pm, Estonian Academy of Arts, room 426 (Estonia pst 7, Tallinn)

Ingrid Orman, Program manager (culture), Finnish Institute in Estonia
+372 6313 529, +372 5770 4937