About us

Estonian Design Centre (EDC) is a non-profit organization, established in 2008 by Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Design Institute and Estonian Association of Designers. EDC is a leader in the promotion of professional design in Estonia, being a partner for designers, entrepreneurs, public sector representatives and policy makers. The mission of the EDC is to support strategic design implementation in the business and the public sector and to nurture an innovative and cooperation-oriented environment for the development of design.

Our aim is to increase design awareness and promote the use of design as a strategic tool for solving big societal challenges, growing the economy, increasing innovation and improving the quality of everyday life. Through various support activities, EDC promotes design as a driver of social well-being and economic development, supports the professionalism and competence development of designers and helps to increase the product development and export potential of Estonian companies through better design.

EDC coordinates the network of Estonian design agencies (ca 50 organizations) that includes agencies of communication design, product design, strategic design, service design, digital design (including UX/UI, gamification, etc.), circular design.

One of EDC goals is to bring new knowledge and developments into Estonia and for that we conduct experiments, initiate support programmes, write articles, organize Design Talks, etc. EDC also organizes the biannual Estonian Design Awards.  

Being part of different European projects we have gained a lot of international experience. Since 2017, EDC is actively involved in promoting sustainability and eco-design/circular design in Estonia. EDC aim is to contribute to the implementation of circular business development through design and promote new ways of thinking among Estonian designers and companies. In close international cooperation, EDC has developed several tools to help organizations to move towards circular economy (circular economy audit, sprint, etc.).

EDC was leading the team and coordinated working groups that prepared a new Estonian Design Development Strategy 2023 and is currently coordinating the roundtable of Estonian Design Education. 

EDC is a member of The Bureau of European Design Association (BEDA), Connect Health (Estonian Health Tech Cluster) and The Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ECCI). EDC was one of the partners in the European design and innovation platform, Design for Europe. http://www.designforeurope.eu

Founding members and partners

Founding members

The Estonian Design Centre was established on 21 April 2008 by:

Estonian Academy of Arts
Tallinn University of Technology
Estonian Design Institute
Estonian Association of Designers

Estonian Design Centre Council

Anne Pikkov / Estonian Academy of Arts, Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
Kristjan Jagomägi / Estonian Design Institute, designer, DF
Martin Pärn / Tallinn University of Technology, professor
Ilona Gurjanova / Estonian Association of Designers, chairman

Estonian Design Centre Council is the highest governing body of the Estonian Design Centre.

Cooperation partners and supporters

ADC*Estonia – Art Directors Club Estonia
ARS – Art Factory
Estonian Association of Designers
Estonian Centre for Architecture
Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design
Cultural Endowment of Estonia
Estonian Academy of Arts
Estonian Association for Environmental Management
Enterprise Estonia

Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Pallas University of Applied Sciences
Ministry of Culture
Loov Eesti – Creative Estonia
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications
SEI – Stockholm Enviroment Institute
Tallinn Enterprise Board
Tallinn City
Tallinn Creative Incubator
Tartu Art School
Estonian Service Industry Association
TULI – Estonian Marketing Association

International projects:

Ecodesign Circle

DCP Design Challenge Pilot
Design for Europe
CODIS (Co-create Design Innovation Services)

Advisory Board

Members of the Estonian Design Centre Advisory Board

Kärt Summatavet
Martin Pärn
Kristjan Jagomägi
Maarja Mõtus
Janek Mäggi
Dan Mikkin
Arno Kütt

The role of Supervisory Board is to give advice to the management of the NGO.

Panel of Experts

Helena Nagel - DINT
Ionel Lehari - Identity
Jaan Naaber - Neway
Kristian Lember - DUX studio
Pärtel Vurma - Velvet
Daniel Kotsjuba - Public Sector Innovation Team
Meelis Mikker -
Mikk Tasa - Helmes
Kärt Villmann - Angels AD