Estonian Design Awards

The Estonian Design Awards recognise the best and the most noteworthy designers in the fields of product design, graphic design, web design and service design.  

The Estonian Design Awards gather the design awards of various areas into one place to amplify the voice and message of design in society.  

Prizes are awarded for product design, graphic design, web design and service design.  

Plus, young talented designers from various fields are given targeted prizes (SÄSI and Noor Püss).

The Estonian Design Awards are intended to value, acknowledge and promote good design that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also solves problems and makes the environment around us better and more human-centred, and does it in a way that is environmentally friendly and sustainable. 

The Estonian Design Awards are organised by the Estonian Design Centre with the Estonian Association of Designers, ADC*Estonia, the Estonian Service Industry Association and Estonian Academy of Arts.

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