Estonian Design Awards 2020

Open Call for Estonian Design Awards 2020

Works can be submitted from April 23 to July 6 2020 (Early Bird June 22 / Lazy Bird July 6). The winners will be announced September 18 2020.

From April 23 to July 6 2020, participants can submit their work to the 2020 Estonian Design Awards competition, which acknowledges the top design in Estonia. 

The Estonian Design Awards are intended to value, acknowledge and promote good design that is not only aesthetically pleasing, but also solves problems and makes the environment around us better and more human-centred, and does it in a way that is environmentally friendly and sustainable.

The Estonian Design Awards takes place in collaboration between the Estonian Design Centre, the Estonian Association of Designers, ADC*Estonia, the Estonian Service Industry Association and Estonia Academy of Arts.

There are six main categories in Estonian Design Awards 2020:

Product Design awards (BRUNO)
The Bruno Product Design award is awarded to an exceptional product or product series, manufactured either at the designer's own initiative, as a collaboration, or as a commission by a manufacturer/entrepreneur

Graphic and Web Design awards
Prizes for graphic and digital design at the Estonian Design Awards are given out by ADC*E (Art Directors Club Estonia). As of this year and in the context of ADC*E, the category is value-based, which means that the work done is judged on how well it promotes values important for our society.

Service Design awards 
The award recognizes the application of service design in the development of better, more innovative and user-friendly services in Estonia, both in the physical and digital environment.

Design Education award
This award helps to recognize people who have contributed to Estonian Design education. The Award is given out by Estonian Academy of Arts.

Across all Categories - these awards acknowledge and shine light on effective and innovative design solutions with substantial impact.
Lifechanging Design (Grand Prix);
Game Changer;
Design Deed of the Year

Special Awards
SÄSI - young product, fashion and textile designer (up to 35 years of age);
NOOR PÜSS/Young Gun - a graphic, web and service designer (up to 26 years of age);
Lifetime Achievement Awards

More information

Design Awards